If you have a backyard, patio, or other landscape that you’re trying to maintain, you may be reconsidering the best way to do it and weighing your options. After all, there are a lot of choices out there – hand watering, sprinklers, irrigation, the list goes on – and there can be some confusion about the pros, the cons, and what to choose.

That’s why we’re here to clarify and share the pros and cons of irrigation.

Overall, irrigation is an ideal choice for those looking for a hands-off, easy-to-maintain, and efficient watering system – but there’s more to keep in mind.

If you want to learn more about irrigation, check out our other resources:

1. How much does irrigation cost

2. How to choose the best irrigation supplier

3. Irrigation vs hand watering services

Here’s everything you need to know.

How does irrigation work?

A drip irrigation system, as the name suggests, works by dripping water, drop by drop, directly onto the roots of your plants. This water is supplied via a low-pressure tubing system manufactured with emitters to control the flow rate. These tubes are generally placed directly on the ground or buried below the surface.

How long does an irrigation system last?

As a rule of thumb, you should start looking into replacing your irrigation system after around 15 years (though you may need to complete small replacements and repairs before that amount of time elapses). 

That said, if you are worried about your system’s longevity (or you’re looking for ways to extend its life) there are many factors that will impact the life of your irrigation system, and it’s important to keep these in mind. These include: 

  • Exposure to freeze and thaw cycles 
  • The type of soil surrounding the pipe, as this can contribute to clogs if you have the wrong kind 
  • The quality of the water, as mineral-rich water can also contribute to clogs 
  • The intensity of use of the system 

You should also consider advancements in irrigation technology. Over time, your control system may need to be updated to capitalise on improvements in energy and water management, as this can save you money and maximise your efficiency. 

Overall, having an irrigation engineer inspect your system and make repairs at least once a year can help ensure that it remains in tip top shape. They can also alert you as soon as you need an upgrade. 

Need help with repairing or replacing? Discover more about our servicing options

Is irrigation effective?

Yes, irrigation is effective. 

There is a lot of thought and planning that goes into a professionally designed irrigation system, and the right system can ensure that you have an even distribution of water, efficient watering (without over-watering or wasting resources), and a hands-off solution that will keep your plants thriving 

As a bonus, irrigation is proven to work, with thousands of happy irrigation customers around Australia.

What are the benefits of irrigation?

✔ It saves water: Irrigation saves water both by preventing you from over-using water (as you can be exact and control the amount of water that is being released as the seasons and watering needs change) and by minimising water evaporation. 

✔ It prevents nutrient loss: With traditional watering, nutrients are often lost through leaching. Drip irrigation systems help prevent this. A drip irrigation system waters plants extremely slowly, causing less soil erosion and leaching over time. 

✔ It can be used in irregularly shaped spaces: The tubing can be placed anywhere to install an irrigation system, meaning that it can work no matter what size or shape your space is. 

✔ It’s a “set and forget” system: If you forget to water your lawn or you don’t know exactly how much water to use, an irrigation system can be an ideal alternative. This is because it can be automated and set up to take care of all the hard work for you via various controllers. A “smart” irrigation controller, for example, will automatically adjust the water application using information like plant type, slope, and soil type.  That way, you don’t have to worry about maintaining a healthy lawn – you just have to keep an eye on it and make sure that it stays in tip-top condition. 

Check out our Summer Irrigation Tips here 👈

What are the downsides of irrigation?

✘ It doesn’t work with all water: If your water has a high iron content, it can clog the emitters and cause your irrigation system to work ineffectively. 

✘ It requires maintenance: Irrigation is mostly a “set and forget” system. However, your irrigation system will have to be regularly maintained to ensure that there are no clogs, rips, or repair needs. Otherwise, you will have puddling and an unhealthy, unevenly watered landscape. 

✘ It can get damaged: Rodents and insects can chew through your tubing, and this can cause puddles and require replacement. Additionally, lawn mowers and trimmers can also cause damage, so you will have to be careful with your irrigation system 

✘ It has significant start-up cost: An irrigation system will, in all likelihood, save you money and resources over time, as it will require less water overall and it will help keep your plants alive and healthy for a longer period of time. That said, there is hardware installation and planning involved, so you must prepare for these up-front costs. 

✘ It can be affected by the sun: The heat from the sun can also affect the tubes and cause them to degrade, particularly if your tubes are placed directly on the soil rather than buried. This is important to keep in mind if you live in a particularly sunny area. 

Concerned about cost? Check out our Australian Irrigation Price Guide [NEW]

Final thoughts: irrigation in a nutshell

Like any system or tool, garden or landscape irrigation comes with specific pros and cons that you must weigh. 

Over all, if you’re looking for a sustainable, efficient, and hands-off watering solution, then irrigation may be the ideal choice for you. However, it’s also important to keep in mind any possible downsides, and to understand that an irrigation system will require up-front costs as well as ongoing maintenance to keep it going. 

Have any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us directly here or give us a call on (03) 9576 2344 and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.